Welcome 2022-2023 Officers and new board members

Introducing our 2022-2023 Officers and new board members!

New Slate of Officers for 2022-2023
President – Kelly Curnutt
Immediate Past President – Reba Blevens
Executive Vice- President – Karen Williams
Secretary – Victoria Farrar-Myers
VP Finance/Treasurer – Jonathan Januta
VP Finance/Treasurer – Chris Wade
Director-At-Large – Mary Tom Curnutt
Director-At-Large/Parliamentarian – Elizabeth Calvo

New Board Members for 2022-2023
Mary Hibbs
Brynn Howerton
Sarah McMurrough, AISD Representative to the Board
Dr. Jaqueline Minor
Kenya Mobley
Giana Ortiz
Chris Wade
Victoria Weir
Patricia Whitfield
Cheryl Wolters